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Suggestions For Contacting An Angel:

To know more about your "guardian angel" -- ask your angel -- communicating this desire to know.

Angels really exist whether we believe or not. To communicate with an angel consider this:

Human beings are so difficult to communicate with, because we have learned and adopted and maintain so many barriers. i would suggest to try and be positively open as you ask your angel (him/her -- angels do not need a gender) to come to you as best they are able. An angel could 'appear'/ or come to us as a specific gender which would be for our comfort and understanding. it is okay to refer to an angel as whatever gender you want to know them as -- it is not a problem. it is not necessary to know their name(s) either. but if this is important to you then communicate this.

Angels can also be young or adult -- whatever is assuring for us but they are ageless -- as we measure age. Angels probably do have a personality and certainly know humor. They have total acceptance and compassion and understanding. they are here to help us. all we have to do is ask.

Since angels come more readily to us while we are sleeping, i would ask them to do so each night as you prepare for sleep. Do this with a gentle sense of appreciative joy -- anticipating their visit. When you awake each morning thank them and "any other angels that may have also come to you throughout the night". make this your habit and if necessary try to develop a means of separating yourself from your pain(s) and anxieties and worries and all negative thoughts.

Meditation is also an effective means of developing more openness -- opening the channels to communication and 'visitations'. When you ask always include asking if it is okay for them, saying something like: "as best
you are able".

Another way is to write a letter to your angel, or someone else's angel. Or write a specific letter to your angel of prosperity or your angel of healing or your angel of relationships or whatever angel you wish to contact. And
especially if you are having difficulty communicating with someone write their angel, and write your own letter to your own angel. They will come to you. you may not "know it" or remember. But they will visit you. You can of course also express your desire to be certain -- i.e. to know or feel -- of the experience.

your guardian angel(s) is indeed always with you. Always tell them how truly precious they are and that you love them being there so much.

It is also important to know there are angels or spirits that are not helpful to us and may confuse us harmfully. So when you have any doubts as to the intention of a spirit (or angel?) then tell them to go if they are not for (your) good. Tell them they are not welcome to visit you uninvited -- if they are not of the angel(s) you wish to reach and/or interact with.

Do please take extra good care of yourself -- it is an expression of love -- and know that you also are very precious indeed. try each day to do something that follows your bliss, hear the words "I love ..." come out of your mouth. And tell those whom you love how precious they are. Be aware of your actions to increase the positive energy on the planet. Share all your moments with your angels. Be conscious of and a participant in your growth. Be happy and have fun!

Hope - Miracles & The Mind

We are experiencing a reduction in aids related deaths which is commonly attributed to recently introduced regimes of protease inhibitors. These developments have injected the community with a much needed wave of hope.

I want to assert that it is the hope itself as much as anything that has created for many new possibilities for a future.

At least let us not ignore that the individual wields much power to affect change within him/her self.

Clearly there is evidence that our minds play a deciding role in our health.

The refusal to recognize and acknowledge the power of the psyche -- of the individual, of the mind, of love, hope, prayer, responsibility, understanding and acceptance -- ought to be considered arrogant and archaic.

The many examples of people who have defied death (until they were ready for it) are tributes to the power of the psyche. Individuals who are too busy living, who are driven by their passions, who are committed to causes can and do survive and thrive longer --with surprising quality of life regardless of the nature of their illness.

Of course people die as well. But there should be no implying that they '"failed'" to survive or that they just didn't try hard or well enough.

Our language reflects too much cultural negativity surrounding death. We are stuck on outmoded precepts that (a) keep us from accepting death as one of the transitions in the process of living, and (b) confines us into the most narrow view of dis-ease as something (only) debilitating. It confounds our ability to cope with dis-ease and/or honour those who are undergoing that process. It keeps us 'unenlightened'.

The illnesses we have classically considered terminal are as affected as much by mind-set as by medicine. There is abundant evidence that hope works.

Everyday, miracles reflect well the power of hope. To which the hiv and aids communities can well attest.

Miracle is a term applied to an extraordinary event believed to be supernatural.

We become used to identifying uncommon 'turns' in events as having divine intervention. I do not say this is not so, in my believing in miracles, but I also believe we ought to see our own hand(s) in the making of miracles. This does not diminish the remarkable nature of miracles -- rather it enhances it. (Perhaps it affirms our connectedness to God.)

Many miracles are brought into being by the sheer determination of the will (often against formidable odds frequently wrought from ignorance -- even those determined by advanced medical science). Never underestimate the power of the will to live.

Miracles are carried by us all. Many are about how hope is accessed. Learn how to better ingress yours.

Let us stop deaths due to ignorance. We are sufficiently into the hiv and aids pandemic to know more than we purport and get stuck in. Keep hope alive! Share our miracles by revealing what we do know about the powers of the psyche, the mind, love, hope, prayer, responsibility, understanding and acceptance. Also that internalized phobias and fears are very detrimental and ought to be resolved to reduce their potential and evident harm.

It is time to include infectious optimism in our realities of hiv and aids!

This material is not copyrighted therefore no restrictions are placed or implied against its use. The word's hiv and aids are lower cased to reduce the harm their fear creates. Comments are much appreciated. Very many blessings! Always.

daniel d. martell experiences angels and love. A student of caring, healing, dis-ease and the divine. He is a gentle, spirited advocate and communitarian living blessed in Muskoka, Canada and traveling.